Phelps Homes

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    NHBA AWARDS- 2017

    Tara SmithMay 24, 2017 12:32:20 PM

    The Niagara Home Builders’ Association (NHBA) Awards of Excellence was recently held in Niagara Falls and Phelps Homes was honoured to have won in two categories; Best Custom Home Renovation up to $500,000 and Best Custom Home Kitchen Renovation.


    The NHBA Awards of Excellence recognizes and honours members for achieving higher standards, use of the latest technology, techniques, architectural design and environmentally friendly products.


    “Recognizing the quality of work performed by its members”, The Niagara Home Builders’ Association honours the vision of Niagara’s creative builders, renovators, designers, trades and suppliers and marketers.


    "It is a real tribute to our team members to win top awards in these categories and we are so pleased to have an experienced and award winning team working across all of our projects and communities." said Heidi Speek, director of Special Projects, after the announcement.  


    To learn more about the Niagara Home Builders’ Association (NHBA) please visit


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    Categories: Kitchen Design, niagara events