The holidays are when we want to be around our friends and families the most- celebrating, sharing delicious food, and creating memories. 

Unfortunately, some of our plans may be changed this year but if you're hosting guests, there are some things to keep in mind to ensure everyone has a safe and happy holiday.

Number of Guests

As of September 19, 2020, the provincial government announced new limits on unmonitored and private social gatherings. A limit of 10 people indoors and 25 outdoors will be in effect for the next 25 days.

Outdoor vs Indoor

With Thanksgiving being October 12th this year, it provides the fun opportunity to move your meal outdoors! Outdoor gatherings pose less risk than indoor ones, and they provide more space to ensure social distancing practices can be followed. If you're worried about the weather being too chilly, opt for a fun Thanksgiving lunch instead and bundle up when the temperature starts to drop!


Photo by Ylanite Koppens from Pexels

Focus on Cleanliness

If you are the host, make sure you and one helper are the designated cooks to limit who is coming in contact with the food or drinks being served. Have sanitizer ready in your space and make masks fun by encouraging or providing festive face coverings.

Assign Seating

Festive place cards can create the perfect Thanksgiving table aesthetic while also serving a purpose! Assigning seats to your guests ensures social distancing and allows food to be given to guests instead of placed on the table family style. It also gives your guests more comfort knowing they can place their drinks at their seat and know it won't be mistaken for someone else's.

Virtual Dinner

If you're having concerns about hosting guests, opt for a virtual dinner! Send a Zoom invite to your guests with links to fun and festive drinks or snacks they can make throughout the call to get everyone in the holiday spirit.



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