Feng Shui - the ancient Chinese practice of arranging physical objects to attract positive energy.

However, it isn't just a 'how to' for decorating your home (although it is a useful tool when you and your partner can't decide where to put the lovely arm chair your Grandmother gave you). Feng Shui also allows you to achieve balance- creating harmony in your mind between the right and left side. Removing clutter in your home reduces clutter in your mind and allows you to relax, have ideas flow more freely, and make decisions easier. (For example- the location of the Grandma chair).

Where do you spend the most time in your home? Probably the bedroom- it's where you nap, binge your new favourite show on Netflix, and where you should be getting a good night's sleep. Because of that, we've decided to put together a cheat sheet on how to Feng Shui your bedroom to best improve your life force energy; also known as qi.

Start with your bed

The placement of your bed is very important. It's where you should be getting that good night's sleep we mentioned, and it is quite literally the focal point of the bedroom. Make sure your bed has a secure headboard to represent stability and support, and that it is located (if possible) facing the door while not being directly in line with it. It's also key to have space on the sides and at the foot of it.

The items under our beds can also affect you while you sleep. Whatever items you have under there may also represent, or create, subconscious blocks in your life. It’s time to clear out the space so the qi can flow freely around you while you sleep! #FreeTheQi!


Two is better than one

This is what you'll do with some of that space on each side of your bed! Not only does having two nightstands allow for each partner to have their own space (for midnight snacks), but it also lets you introduce symmetry and harmony to your space. The nightstands don't have to match perfectly, but complementary designs will achieve the same result.

To scroll or not to scroll

EMFs (electric and magnetic fields) are created by electronic devices and power cords (among other things). They can be harmful and poorly affect our well-being; including influencing our quality of sleep.

Using your devices before bed delays your body's internal clock (also known as circadian rhythm), and suppresses the release of the sleep-inducing hormone melatonin; thus making it more difficult to fall asleep. If you have trouble getting a good night’s rest, try your best to keep electronics out of the bedroom. Wondering how you'll 'wind down' before bed and wake up in the morning? Keep a book close by and use a good ol' fashioned alarm clock!

reduce emfs

Colour theory

The perfect colour for your bedroom greatly depends on what you hope to achieve with Feng Shui. Sense and pay attention to what colors you’re attracted to; sometimes we could know exactly what we need if we just listen. Follow this list below if you're being drawn to more than one colour!

  • Blue and black - associated with water energy, support inner work, helping us to concentrate, contemplate, mediate and handle creative endeavors. Blue can slow the heart and breathing rates and lower blood pressure. It can be used to increase coolness, to calm and to create privacy.
  • Green - associated with wood energy, the energy of growth, decisiveness and action. It can motivate internal change.
  • Red - associated with fire, which supports life energy. The color of blood, it can increase heart rate, respiration and blood pressure. It also can promote activity and alleviate depression. It's clearly the color of passion and love.
  • Yellow - associated with earth energy, representing Mother Earth. It can cheer, infuse with hope, clarify and elevate mental activity. It also creates a sense of stability and nurturing. Yellow is often used to help children with dyslexia improve their focus.
  • White and metallic - associated with metal energy. They can support carefulness and focus as well as purity.

As for mixing colors, that can also mix the Feng Shui energies related to them. Here are some things to consider when choosing combination colours:

  • Salmon - combination of yellow/orange and red/orange, is a unique balance of earth and fire elements that's quite harmonious. Use salmon to call attention to the heart of a space, create a sense of abundance and encourage conversation.
  • Turquoise - blue-green combo, evokes the qualities of wood and water. It has both the contemplative qualities of blue and the life of green, making it a great choice for spaces that allow movement and growth.
  • Lavender - mix of the qualities of blue and purple, can evoke a sense of calm, spirituality, contemplation and quiet. Use lavender to minimize high activity, calm a stressful situation or create a special spiritual space.

yellow room

Picture perfect

Artwork says a lot about a person and how they are in life. When it comes to achieving Feng Shui, remember that family photos are best saved for the other rooms in the house and you should avoid images of single people or objects. But, make sure your art is you and always make sure your artwork is at eye level. You can't #FreeTheQi if the artwork doesn't speak to you or has you looking down at it.

Inhale, exhale

Don't forget to rejuvenate your space! Think about smudging the room (a ceremony purifying or cleansing the soul of negative thoughts of a person or place) or even just use sweet orange oil in your diffuser regularly to uplift and detox the energy. Good vibes only!
