5 Ways to Prepare for Moving Day

Moving = stressful. But what if it could be 𝘭𝘦𝘴𝘴 stressful?

On average it takes approximately 3-5 full days to pack up a three bedroom home, dedicating 4-6 hours per day. But sometimes that isn't possible.

In some instances, packing can be quick and easy. But organizing and sorting while packing can also take up a lot of time.

Two months away from your moving day, go through your home room by room to sort through what needs to be packed and what needs to be given away. To reduce clutter, make sure items not coming with you are removed two weeks before your move.

Now, here are 5 more ways to plan ahead for your big day and hopefully reduce your stress in the process!

Moving notices

Make a list of who needs to know you're moving and what your new address is so there is no messy crossover. Family members and friends, mail subscriptions, bill companies, etc will need plenty of notice to be able to re-direct your mail and update your contact information. To be safe, you can also set up mail-forwarding to catch any notices you may have missed sending out.

Create a moving checklist

A moving checklist and timeline showing when tasks need to be completed will really help keep you on track. Your list will be specific to your needs, but make sure to include:

  • confirmation when each room is packed (and sort boxes into one area in the room)
  • items that will need to be taken apart/packed up on the day of
  • items that are 'high priority' and will need to be unpacked first at your new home
  • moving/packing items that need to be purchased
  • vehicle arrangements that need to be made


Day-of essentials

Pack a bag with some 'day-of' essentials so you don't have to rush to find certain items once you're moved into your new home. Some items that could go into your essentials bag could include:

  • hygiene products like toothbrushes and toothpaste and shampoo
  • devices and their chargers, plus one or two phone chargers
  • change of clothes and pyjamas
  • band-aids, Advil, Polysporin, etc

Colour-coded boxes

It's very helpful to write on the box or tote which room they need to go in, but what about colour-coding them as well? Assigning a colour to each room of the house (plus writing the required room) will help you unpack a little quicker and easily locate any boxes that didn't make it into their assigned rooms.

Schedule 'packing time'

Set time aside each day that is solely dedicated to packing. That way, things aren't left to the last minute or you don't feel like you're spending every second packing up your home.



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