Whether you're renovating or just like keeping up with the trends, 2021 will be an exciting year for kitchen design!

And sometimes kitchen facelifts can be as simple as swapping out your countertop storage for a matching set, or adding some greenery, or even a new window treatment!

Either way, I think we can all agree that it's very enjoyable to look at photos of beautiful kitchens. Shall we?

9 Kitchen Design Trends for 2021


A Touch of Warmth

While bright white kitchens remain at the top of the current trend list, their reign may soon be over! We're starting to see the use of warmer shades and palettes in the kitchen, creating a culinary oasis while still providing a bright, clean-looking space. These optimistic colors pair perfectly with greenery, natural wood tones, gold accents, and woven textures.

Kitchen Trends_Helen NormanPhoto credit: Helen Norman

Over to the Dark Side

We've seen the inclusion of black finishes and hardware in kitchens, but 2021 is taking the contrast even further! Black glossy countertops (or even dark natural wood) offer a sleek upgrade to a clean, bright kitchen.

Kitchen Trends_BacksplashPhoto credit: Backsplash

Vintage-Inspired Accents

Vintage is making a comeback! (And for some, it's never left!) In the age of thrifting being a favourite past time and a game of scouring for the best deal, vintage has started to make it's way back into homes in sometimes subtle and sometimes not-so-subtle ways. If subtle is more your speed, accent your kitchen design with woven textures or vintage-inspired pendant lighting! These can add warmth and character to a sleek kitchen, and can even add a modern twist to existing vintage-inspired design.

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So Lit

Under-cabinet lighting ups the chic factor of any cabinet. Not only does it provide extra lighting for all your chef-inspired meals, but allows you to use it as accent lighting when you don't want your main lighting on in your home. (It's also the perfect lighting for a midnight snack, just saying.)

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Photo credit: Getty Images

A Touch of Gold

Faucets have been available in a wide choice of colors and finishes, and now sinks are following suit! Gone are the days of selecting a sink based purely on necessity- now you can tick off the 'necessity' box on your checklist AND the 'looks gorgeous in my kitchen' box. Blend your sink and faucet with the style of your kitchen to uplift the design of the room.

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Photo credit: Delta Faucets

Colour pop

If you don't want a bold colour to take over your kitchen, or you're not ready to commit your room to it, feature a pop of colour on your island! Your kitchen is the perfect opportunity for a pop of colour in an unexpected way.

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Pantry Goals

In our humble opinion, storage will always be in. But you can elevate your pantry storage to take 'organization' to a whole new level! Forget what you know about pantries and envision your perfect food storage system. If there's anything Marie Kondo taught us, it's that if it does not bring you joy, it has no place in your home. 2021 feels the same way about pantries.

Kitchen Trends_Paul DyerPhoto credit: Paul Dyer

Bringing the Outdoors In

If we learned anything from spending way more time at home in 2020, it's that your space has to feel cozy, welcoming, and comfortable. One simple way to do that is by bringing some of the outdoors in! House plants not only liven up the space and up the cozy factor, but they also improve the air quality in your home. A kitchen is usually ripe with natural sunlight as well as has some spots for the shade-lover plants, so why not turn a corner of your kitchen into a plant oasis?

Curious which house plants are best? Check out our list of 10 Low Maintenance House Plants.


Tile Personality

Striving for solid colour cabinets but wanting to add some flair to your kitchen? Add a pop of personality with a colourful tile! The opportunities are endless when it comes to tile design - colours, patterns, designs, etc! This is the perfect opportunity to pick something timeless AND fun.

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Photo credit: Anatolia Tile


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