The kitchen is the heart of every home. It's where you cook your favourite meals, entertain your favourite people and - some say - if you can organize your kitchen, you can organize your life.

Due to it being a space you spend a lot of your time in, it makes sense that you would want it to be a perfect reflection of your personality while staying on-trend! Whether your space is large or small, here are five kitchen decor trends for 2020 that we can get behind! Can you see yourself enjoying any of these kitchens?

Open Shelving 'Cabinets'

Open shelving allows you to showcase your beautiful kitchen-wares, and gives you the opportunity to add accent items to your kitchen decor! This trend is perfect if you are boasting a small kitchen- it'll make the most of your space and make your kitchen feel larger!Blog Post_Open Shelving Kitchen

Natural Wood Tones

The perfect accent to your space, even with stained or painted wood throughout! Bring in natural wood tones with a kitchen island, additional kitchen store, stools, or counter-top accents!

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Hints of Colour

While all-white kitchens are the current top trend, take a chance and add a pop of colour in your space! Anything from displaying colourful pottery to an accent island, you can't go wrong.

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Open-Concept Areas

This maximizes your living space by making the kitchen and great room feel as if it is one large room. You can differentiate the areas with a mix of complementary lighting and pulling some elements from each space into the other. For example: similar artwork, accent accessories, etc.


Two-tone Cabinets

Gone are the days where your kitchen has to be a uniform colour! Mix it up with coloured lower cabinets and white upper cabinets.

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