Phelps Homes

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    ThanksGiving A Time For Gratitude and Sharing


    Dan MaroisOct 9, 2015 2:10:00 PM

    At Phelps Homes we celebrate each and every day the wonderful families who have or will give us the opportunity to build their new home.


    Thanksgiving allows each and every one of us to be thankful for our own families and friends.  Thankful for good health.  Thankful for working in such a beautiful setting as Smithville and West Lincoln.  We are grateful every day, not just at Thanksgiving.  Please take the time to celebrate your family, friends and community as Thanksgiving approaches, as well as through the year.


    West Lincoln Community Care provides food and emergency assistance for needy families and individuals in the Township of West Lincoln.  As we embrace this wonderful township, Phelps Homes was pleased to donate 212 kilograms of baby needs, toiletries and non-perishable food to the WLCC organization.  No matter the time of year, there is always time for sharing and caring for others and Phelps Homes will continue our service to WLCC.

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